Ice Cream University was founded in 1995 by Malcolm Stogo. The company specializes in all things ice cream – from ice cream seminars to hands-on consulting, books, flavor and product research and development, and education. Ice Cream University also offers an annual Gelato Tour of Italy. Our students, graduates and clients come from all corners of the globe, across the U.S and abroad. In 15 years we have helped hundreds of individuals and businesses start and succeed in the incredible ice cream business. We look forward to working with you.
Malcolm Stogo For the last 25 years, Malcolm Stogo has been at the forefront of developing today’s ice cream concepts leap years ahead of the industry. He is the author of numerous books including Ice Cream & Frozen Desserts, Ice Cream Cakes and is the author of a new book titled Incredible Ice Cream. Malcolm is the founder and President of Ice Cream University and Malcolm Stogo Associates. He is also the publisher of Batch Freezer News and Ice Cream Store News, two quarterly newsletters on everything one needs to know about ice cream production and marketing. In the 1980’s, Malcolm co-owned Ice Cream Extravaganza (New York), the largest single frozen dessert operation ($1.5m in sales). He also invented the chocolate dipped waffle cone now being produced and sold all over the world.
Bill Lambert In every industry, there are a few individuals who are considered the best. Bill Lambert fits in that category. He has for the last 50 years been involved in almost every phase of ice cream production (ice cream mixes, continuous freezing production and the use of stabilizers and flavors). For over twenty years, Bill was general manager of Anderson Erickson, Des Moines, Iowa, ice cream line of ice cream products and mixes. Now retired, Bill spends his time on consulting assignments as a volunteer in Russia and Lithuania developing new dairy plants as well as restructuring existing ones. We are extremely lucky to have Bill join us to share and teach us how to do things efficiently the first time out, and cut through the layers of what you can or can’t do in getting product produced. Even better, at each seminar, almost every participant seems to fall in love with Bill because of the way he unwraps the intimidation of how ice cream is made. Bill resides in Des Moines, Iowa with his wife, Sally.
Robert Ellinger is the owner of Baked to Perfection in Port Washington, New York, which is considered by many as one of the finest European bakeries in New York. He was recently named by Pastry Arts Magazine as one of the ten best pastry chefs in America. Robert trained in Europe and has received both a Certified Executive Pastry Chef and Certified Master Baker titles. What we all admire about Robert is his enthusiasm, whether it is about life, pastry, or frozen desserts. He is an expert in the teaching of chocolate, sugar, cakes, and bread. Working with Robert all day long is like taking a dream walk learning how to prepare a great ice cream.
Dolma Yang Chen is Malcolm’s right hand and is the perfect example of always looking to learn. From knowing absolutely nothing about ice cream 8 years ago, she is now our go to person for developing in flavors and products.
This is her story. She arrived from Tibet 8years ago, not speaking one word of English with no money in her pockets. A tall woman with a ploughman’s plump hands, she has only been in America for nine years. Until recently, she was the R&D head of Fal Foods, which makes DF Mavens non-dairy ice cream, Brazilia gelato and Desserts That Matter ice cream, gelato and sorbet. She always says- “I like to work. I always ask for more work.”
When she first arrived in the United States , she could count to 10 and the only words she knew “thank you”
in English Five years ago, she was discovered by Malcolm by accident. Her first day at work, she made fudge, but had no idea what it was. It took her about four months to learn to make ice cream right. Today, she can do it all, and at the end of each seminar, our students always say, “can we hire her?”.

Never too young to start an ice cream business!